Thursday, September 3, 2015

Procedures For The Vertical Jump Test

Measuring the vertical leap is important to gauge your ability to do a myriad of physical activities. Learning and executing the vertical jump test procedure will prepare you to learn more about your ability to do many activities that involve jumping.

Wall Vertical Jump Test

Stand with one arm fully extended upward. Do this with the arm you would use to grab an object at the height of your leap. Press your outstretched arm and the corresponding side of your body against a wall. Mark the height of your reach with chalk. Step away from the wall. Stand only as far away from the wall as is necessary not to come into contact with it during your vertical leap. Put chalk or a safe colored substance on your fingertips that will not stain the wall. Jump as high as you can and touch the highest point of the wall possible. Record the difference between your reach marker and the marker from the height of your leap.

Do this vertical jump test three times. Keep the best of three vertical jump heights to represent your score. This determines the height of your standing vertical jump.

Vertec Vertical Jump Test

The Vertec is a jump-testing device that features horizontal vanes on a pole that rotate when you touch them. Set the lowest vane to the height of your outstretched hand. Execute a straight vertical jump and touch the highest vane possible. Each vane represents a specific length measurement, such as an inch or a centimeter. They may also indicate a height--or upward distance--from the bottom edge of the bottom vane. Either record the height of the highest vane you can touch or combine the distance between the bottom edge of the bottom vane and the highest vane you can touch.

Do this vertical jump test three times. Reset the vanes between standing vertical jump tests. Keep the best of three vertical jump heights to represent your score.

Jump Mat Vertical Jump Test

Use a jump mat to determine your vertical leap based on your time spent in the air. Stand on the jump mat barefoot or in socks. Reset the jump mat. Execute your highest possible vertical jump. The jump mat will calculate and display both your jump height and time spent in the air.

Do your vertical jump three times. Take a two-minute rest between trial jumps. Keep the best of three vertical jump heights as your score.