Monday, September 28, 2015

Side Effects Of General Anesthetics

General anesthesia is a type of medicine that is only administered by a qualified doctor or nurse. Mainly used for major surgeries, it affects the entire body, including the brain and reflexes. Due to the overall affects of general anesthesia, it is more likely to cause side effects than other types of anesthesia.

Common Side Effects

Commons side effects of general anesthesia include headache, nausea and vomiting. Since breathing assistance is required during the use of general anesthetics, sore throats are common due to the use of throat tubes.

Anesthesia Awareness

Anesthesia awareness is the act of awaking during surgery while being unable to move or react. Though this awareness is real, it is very uncommon. Statistics reflect this occurs in about one in 14,000 people.

Serious Risks and Side Effects

Serious risks from anesthetic usage include reduced blood pressure and heart rate, heart attack and stroke. Although very uncommon, death and serious injury may also result from general anesthesia.

Reducing Risks

In order to reduce risks and side effects, it is important to inform your doctor of all health problems, medications and allergies. This will help the doctor to determine the anesthetic balance.


Side effects can also be reduced, if not eliminated, by following the doctor's pre-surgery instructions. The most common instruction, having an empty stomach and digestive system, allows the anesthesia to work more effectively without adverse reactions.