Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Reduction Exercises For Excess Abdominal Fat

There is nothing quite like a nice set of flat abdominals, but for many having flat abs is easier said than done. Abdominal exercise will strengthen the muscles, but the sad reality is, it's just not possible to spot reduce. In order to lose belly fat, we have to lose fat all over and the best exercise for that is cardiovascular or aerobic exercise.

Work Smart

For fat loss, the ideal intensity is a minimum of 45 minutes per day, at least 5 days per week, at 65 to 70 percent of the max heart rate. Each person's max heart rate is different and the easiest way to calculate it is to subtract your age from the number 220. For a 40-year-old, the max heart rate is 180. To find the target zone, multiply that number by .65 and .70--giving a range of 117 to 126 beats per minute. The best way to monitor hear rate is with an electronic heart rate monitor. However, in lieu of a monitor, find the pulse at the wrist (or neck) and count the number of beats for 6 seconds and then multiply that number by 10.

Put on Your Walking Shoes

Walking is one of the best exercises you can do. It's low impact and easier on the joints than running. It's ideal for people of all fitness levels and can be maintained for a prolonged period of time. The added benefit is that it can be done anywhere, at any time, and the only equipment necessary is a good, comfortable pair of shoes and a bottle of water.

Join a Group

Those who enjoy group activities can participate in a group fitness class at their local gym or recreation center. There are a wide variety of options including step aerobics, traditional aerobics, water fitness, dance fitness classes and stationary bike classes. The advantage of group fitness classes is that they allow for social interaction and give the participants guidance on intensity and form.

Hit the Gym

Those who prefer working alone, and indoors, can hit the machines at the gym. Most gyms still have the classic treadmills, steppers and bikes as well as elliptical machines and walking/running tracks.

Create the Foundation

While targeted abdominal exercises don't cause abdominal fat loss, they do sculpt and strengthen the muscles--and a sculpted abdominal area is crucial for that well-defined six pack. Crunches, reverse crunches and twists all work the abdominal muscles, creating the foundation for a great set of abs.

Lengthen and Strengthen

Core strengthening exercises not only sculpt the abdominals; they strengthen the core, which improves posture. Better posture creates the appearance of a longer, leaner torso and flatter abdominals. Pilates and yoga both strengthen the postural (core) muscles and improve flexibility. Ballet and belly dance-based exercises pull double duty by providing an aerobic workout and core strengthening.

A Note on Diet

It's important to understand that diet also plays a vital role in losing belly fat. It does no good to spend a lot of time exercising while continuing to consume more calories than are needed. When trying to lose fat, be sure to follow a healthy diet of healthy portions, rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins to avoid undoing all that hard work. One of the best sources for dietary information is the USDA's Food Guide Pyramid.