Thursday, September 10, 2015

Questions To Ask At An Interview For A Government Job

Ask important questions about the nature and security of a job when applying to work in the government.

There is a multitude of government jobs, dealing with every aspect of society. However, the common thread of all government jobs is service to the public. Many of these jobs deal directly with the general population and have a customer service element to them. There are a few important questions when interviewing for a government job.

Public Service and Citizen Interaction

As a public servant, you will be held accountable to the taxpayers in one way or another. Ask about the level of interaction you have with everyday citizens and how it affects your job. If you are applying for a position as a clerk at the department of motor vehicles, of course you will have daily interaction will all sorts of people. Ask about a typical day and weave into your question the fact that you have had experience appeasing and working with many types of people in your previous jobs.

Department Funding

In the era of government cutbacks and slashing benefits, it's important to ask about the funding for your department. Is it a taxpayer priority? If it is, will it maintain the same level of salary and benefits for the position? Will the resources be available to enact the kind of changes or policies you wish to pursue? Of course, resources are not unlimited in any case so there will always be some hedging on the interviewer's part. However, try to identify the assurances for the continued funding of your agency or department.

Current Events

One category of questions to ask is about current events. Whatever job in government you pursue, whether it is on the local, state or national level, current events will affect the position in some way. Ask about how your agency is affected by changes in business and society. For example, if you are applying to be an auditor, ask what industry or group has been particularly suspicious in recent times and deserves careful inquiry.


Government agencies are often endowed with an interesting history and evolution. Get a better sense of the position by asking about the history of your department and agency. It is a great sign if your interviewer can offer an interesting, engaging description. This can inform you about your particular position. If you are applying for a position in the county parks department, for example, you could ask which places or events are of symbolic importance in the town and which deserve more consideration for renovation and improvement.