Thursday, September 3, 2015

Problems With Vaio Compatibility

Make sure that the PC card for your notebook is compatible.

Vaio notebooks are computers produced by Sony. As of January 2011, there are nine models available from Sony with multiple features and even some customizable options. There are a few common issues that may cause compatibility problems with your Vaio computer. Many times these are fixable with just a little work.

System Architecture

You may have software or hardware intended for a 64-bit or a 32-bit system that does not match your Vaio computer. Sixty-four-bit systems are newer than 32-bit, and they have higher capabilities for speed and RAM. However, some software and hardware will only work on one type of system and not on the other. You can find out what type of system you have by right clicking "My Computer" or "Computer" in the Start menu and then clicking "Properties." You can find out what the software or hardware is compatible with in its manual, in its help files or on the packaging. If the software or hardware is old, it is probably for 32-bit but might not specify that since 64-bit systems have only recently become common.

Operating System

Your Vaio computer may have an operating system that the software or hardware cannot communicate properly with. This is especially common with Windows Vista and 7. You should check the any digital or physical documents that came with the program or equipment for information about its operating-system compatibility. You can also search for the product in Microsoft's Windows Compatibility Centers (see link in Resources).

Hardware Type

The hardware you're trying to use may not match your computer type. If you're trying to install new RAM or output an image to a monitor, you have to get the correct hardware. Sometimes there are adapters, like DVI-to-VGA for displays, but other times you simply have to use the correct hardware. You should check your Vaio computer's manual for specifics, since every computer is different.


You may just need the right drivers for new hardware. Drivers are software your computer uses to communicate with hardware. The drivers should be provided on a disc with the hardware when you buy it, or you can go online to the manufacturer's website and download drivers from their "Support" section. If you're having compatibility problems with a program and not with equipment, drivers will not help.

Required Software

Some programs require that you have the correct software installed. Typically these programs will tell you when you install them, or they'll detail the problem in an error message if you try to run it without the right software. Examples include DirectX and the VisualBasic .NET Framework. You should check any "Help" or "Readme" files with the program to see if it requires additional software.