Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Primary Care For Elderly

The many types of care available for the elderly allows families to choose a mode that suits their unique needs. Primary care for the elderly can be found in a variety of places, under a variety of circumstances. Knowing the kinds of care that are available for an elderly patient allows families to make the best decisions for their loved ones.

Function of Primary Care

Primary care for the elderly ensures that the physical, medical and emotional needs of the senior citizen are met. Primary care providers assist the elder with meals and bathing. Providers make sure medicine is taken on time and properly; they also provide comfort and care for the elderly, make sure they're comfortable, and watches for any changes in mental and physical condition. These providers offer a listening ear and comfort to aging people.

Types of Primary Care

Placing an elderly person in a nursing home with trained professionals is a type of primary care considered by many families. The professionals that work in these facilities are trained to assist in the medical needs that elderly patients often require.

Some families choose to take care of an elderly member in a home setting. Often, an adult child will take full-time responsibility of a parent in an attempt to ensure proper care is given.

Hiring 24-hour health care providers, such as nurses, to come and stay in the home of the elderly person is another option. This alternative allows the elderly to reside in familiar surroundings while receiving the care that is needed. Families can also hire a health care professional who comes to visit the elderly person during the day only, ensuring that health and well-being are monitored.


Check that a potential nursing home has a good reputation with the state's Department of Health. Nursing homes should be clean, and activities should be available where patients can interact. Families should be allowed to visit as often as they feel necessary. Visit the nursing home first. Be sure you are comfortable with the atmosphere before placing an elderly person there.

Talk with your spouse and children before bringing an elderly family member into your home for care. Weigh the pros and cons of taking on this responsibility. Assess whether your home can be equipped to handle the care of an elderly person. Discuss the changes that will take place, and weigh whether your family can handle the lifestyle change.

Only hire home health care professionals from a reputable agency that screens its employees. Established home-care agencies can ensure quality care and attention for your loved one.


Primary care through a nursing home allows extended family members to keep working. It also relieves you from the pressure of 24-hour care. Having health-care providers come to your home or to the elderly patient's home allows the patient to enjoy quality care while in the comfort of a home environment. Providing care for an elderly person in your home offers a unique opportunity to give personal care to someone you love. Children can learn lessons of self-sacrifice and giving during this time.


When choosing a nursing home, make sure that the reputation is excellent and that care is what it should be. Check that the facility is clean and that the food is well-balanced and appetizing. Place hidden cameras around the house when home health care providers are used to provide primary care for the elderly. These cameras will allow you to monitor what is happening to the elder and ensure that abuse is not occurring. If you choose to provide care yourself to an elderly member of your family, make sure that you take vacations and breaks regularly to avoid burnout.