Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Symptoms Alcohol Withdrawal

Suddenly stopping the use of alcohol after chronic or long-term ingestion can cause alcohol withdrawal. Alcohol withdrawal occurs when your body is forced to adjust to functioning without the aid of alcohol. Withdrawal is more serious than being hungover after a night of drinking. The symptoms vary by person, and there is no way to predict your response.

Psychological Symptoms

Mild to moderate psychological symptoms include jumpiness, nervousness, shakiness, anxiety, irritability, moodiness, depression, fatigue, nightmares and difficulty thinking clearly or focusing.

Physical Symptoms

Mild to moderate physical symptoms include headaches, sweating, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, insomnia, palpitations or rapid heart rate, loss of color or paleness, enlarged and dilated pupils, clammy skin, abnormal movements, tremors of the hands, involuntary movements and abnormal movements of the eyelids.

Severe Symptoms

Severe symptoms include a state of confusion, hallucinations, extreme agitation, fever, convulsions and black outs. Black outs are when you can not remember what happened during a drinking episode. Black outs are not a loss of consciousness. During a black out, you are still interacting with others and still doing things that you will not remember later.

Time Frame

Withdrawal symptoms can occur eight to 12 hours after your last drink. Symptoms peak 48 to 72 hours after your last drink and can last for a week or more. Some mild symptoms, like changes to your sleep pattern, moodiness and fatigue, can last for three to 12 months. Mild symptoms can begin when you still have a measurable amount of alcohol in your system.


Most withdrawal symptoms do not require hospitalization. Since withdrawal can be a serious condition, you should see your doctor for treatment. Treatment options include medication, vitamin therapy, nutrition and hydration and social support programs. Treatment can be done on an outpatient basis for mild to moderate symptoms. Abstinence will be recommended to you after your treatment is completed.


If you have been using alcohol for a long period of time and think you may experience severe symptoms, see your doctor. Withdrawal from alcohol is hard on your body and can have serious consequences. Symptoms can progress from mild or moderate to severe quickly. Professional assistance is the safest way to deal with your withdrawal symptoms.