Friday, October 30, 2015

Toddler Hair Loss And Metabolism

"Is my hair O.K, Mommy?"

There are several metabolic reasons for hair loss in toddlers. Although distressing, it is usually only temporary, lasting for between three and six months.

Metabolism and Hair Loss

Metabolism is the chemical process within the body which maintains life by breaking down and building substances necessary for survival. Metabolism can be easily disrupted.

Metabolic reasons for hair loss include major surgery, severe injury, febrile illness, poor diet and immunizations.

Dietary Factors

Eat a balanced diet

Not simply a lack of food, malnutrition is an imbalance of essential nutrients. Poor nutrition is accompanied by lack of necessary protein, vitamins and minerals essential to metabolism.

Illness, Injury And Surgery

Poor Teddy

Severe illness, injury and surgery all affect metabolism and can cause temporary hair loss. The appetite and food intake may be reduced, giving a temporary state of malnutrition.

During critical periods, the body diverts its energies to maintaining life; less significant aspects, such as hair growth, are temporarily abandoned.

Immunizations and Medicines

Numerous medicines may cause hair loss in toddlers. Childhood immunizations and Ritalin are both causative agents, as is excess of vitamin A.

Thyroid Disease

Though rare, thyroid disease does occur in children. Hyperthyroidism (excess of thyroid hormone) and hypothyroidism (deficiency of thyroid hormone) can both cause hair loss and are both relatively easy to treat.