Monday, October 26, 2015

The Gift For A Wife On The Wedding Night

A wedding gift to any bride should always be a thoughtful gift.

Although many couples participate in the tradition of the groom giving his new wife a gift on the wedding night, no one can tell exactly how or where the tradition began.

Different cultures have different customs for wedding gifts. The common thread to the tradition, however, is that the gift should be thoughtful and given as a beginning to their new life together.

Pearl Necklace

Pearls are a traditional gift for the bride.

One of the most traditional gifts for a groom to give to his new bride on their wedding day is the gift of a pearl necklace.

However, pearls are not a piece of jewelry that can be worn every day and they can be quite an expensive gift. Therefore, it would be a good idea for the groom to learn how his new bride feels about wearing pearls before he opts to give this traditional gift. He can ask friends and family about the idea of giving her pearls before committing to the purchase.

Heart-Shaped Locket

A simple heart-shaped locket is a thoughtful bridal gift.

A thoughtful bridal gift for the groom to give to his sweetheart is a heart-shaped locket. Depending on his budget, the groom could purchase a sterling silver or gold locket. Whether he selects silver or gold, the most important item for this gift is a picture of the bride and groom inside the locket. There's no better way can a groom say that their two hearts belong together.

Charm Bracelet

A charm bracelet is a gift that can be added to in the future.

When a husband gives his wife a charm bracelet on their wedding day, he gives her a present that he can add to every year they are married or on any special occasion. The charm bracelet could be gold, silver or both and could be started with one charm that has the wedding date and names of the bride and groom engraved on the surface.

Photo Album

A photo album can be started with a love letter and later filled with photos.

Some women are not fond of jewelry. In this case, a groom can give his bride a special photo album for them to fill throughout their years of marriage to come. To start the album, he should write his new wife a love letter telling her about the things he looks forward to sharing with her as husband and wife. The love letter should be mounted as the first page in the album as an introduction to the story of their lives together.