Wednesday, October 21, 2015

What Are The Longterm Effects Of A Total Gastrectomy

A total gastrectomy is a surgical procedure where all your stomach is removed to treat conditions such as stomach cancer, gastric ulcers, benign polyps, and other conditions. This procedure can have various long term affects.


There will be some scarring afterwards as with most surgeries. The scars should fade with time and become less visible.

Loss of Hunger Sensations

The gastrectomy affects the function of your GI tract, which can cause loss of hunger sensations. This can cause you to over eat.

Weight Loss

The removal of your stomach can cause severe long term weight loss. This is particularly true if you are no longer experiencing hunger cravings or anything that may trigger you to eat.


A gastrectomy could cause you to experience long term diarrhea after your meals. This problem can be very embarrassing and frustrating.

Abdominal Pain

The gastrectomy can attribute to long term abdominal pain and bloating.


The gastrectomy can cause you to have long term issues with your digestion system. You may experience heartburn and digestion issues that may seriously affect your diet and eating habits.