Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Negative Health Effects Of Drinking Coffee


Coffee is a popular breakfast beverage. People also drink coffee at work and at night to try and stay awake. Having a few cups of coffee a day is not detrimental to your health. If, however, you drink a pot of coffee every day, then you should consider the negative health effects coffee has on your body. Add this to my Recipe Box.

Addictive Nature of Caffeine

The main ingredient in coffee is caffeine. Caffeine is mildly addictive. The addictive nature of caffeine is a negative health effect because once you are addicted, your body will not properly function without the addictive agent. For example, if you start drinking large amounts of coffee everyday, soon you will not function without coffee. You will feel drowsy and groggy until you drink coffee. You may also be cranky or jittery when the level of caffeine in your body decreases prompting you to drink more coffee to increase the caffeine levels in your body. Caffeine is a drug that is also a diuretic. A diuretic is something that causes you to go to the bathroom more often. Since caffeine is addictive by nature, by drinking too much coffee your body will grow accustomed to going to the bathroom often. Since your body will grow accustomed to having caffeine, if you stop drinking coffee or limit your daily coffee intake, your body will react negatively. Your body will not function as it should without the caffeine because your body is not used to working without caffeine. You will go through a period of withdrawal during which you will have to readjust your body to function as it normally should without caffeine.

Increases Stress

Coffee exaggerates your body's response to stress. The caffeine in your coffee increases your blood pressure. When you are naturally stressed, your blood pressure goes up. If you drink coffee every day, when you are naturally stressed your blood pressure will increase more than usual due to the caffeine. Elevated blood pressure is a serious health risk and can lead to heart problems. The caffeine in your coffee also causes you to become stressed more easily. The caffeine heightens your response to a stressful situation and causes you to be more stressed than you normally would be if you did not drink coffee.

Discolors teeth


Drinking a pot of coffee every day effects your teeth. Coffee stains your teeth and gives them a yellowish tint. This creates an unappealing smile and can be embarrassing. Stained teeth also indicate a breakdown of tooth enamel. Your teeth will start to decay and will become sensitive. Your teeth will eventually begin to breakdown and turn brown. Tannic acid creates the dark brown coloring of coffee. This acid settles into the grooves in your teeth which causes your teeth to turn brown. Brown teeth not only look bad cosmetically, but they also indicate severely damaged teeth and loss of tooth enamel. Once tooth enamel is damaged or lost, it can never be replaced.