Monday, July 20, 2015

Ivf Scholarships

Raising a child can be one of the great joys of a person's life. Unfortunately, not everyone is physically able to conceive children. Although the process of in vitro fertilization can help some, it is also very costly and not covered by many insurance programs. As a result, the International Council on Infertility Information Dissemination (INCIID) offers the IVF Scholarship to those who might otherwise not be able to afford IVF treatment. The IVF Scholarship was established in 2004.

About the Scholarship

The "IVF Scholarship" is in fact not a true scholarship or grant, in which money is given for a specific purpose. Instead, recipients of the IVF Scholarship are allowed access to a program in which IVF services are donated by clinics around the United States; in effect, the program covers most of the costs associated with one cycle of IVF treatment. However, pre-screening is not covered, and any services rendered by clinics other than the clinic donating its time will not be covered by the program.

Membership and Financial Requirements

Only donating members of INCIID are eligible to apply for the IVF Scholarship. However, becoming a member is not difficult. First you must register as a member, which can be done on the INCIID website ( Then, you must donate at least $55 per year to INCIID, which can also be done on the website. If for any reason your scholarship application is incomplete or needs to be resubmitted, you will also be required to pay a $25 processing fee.

Eligibility Requirements

Besides being a donor and member of INCIID, you must also meet certain other criteria to be eligible for an IVF Scholarship. Firstly, you must be medically infertile as defined by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. You must also have real and significant financial need; if your household makes more than $65,000 in terms of income, it is likely that you will not be eligible (although INCIID will sometimes make exceptions in special cases). Your medical insurance must not cover in vitro fertilization. If you have had cancer you are still eligible, but it is recommended that you include a letter from your oncologist with your application.


To apply for an IVF Scholarship, you must download, print and fill out an application form from the INCIID website. Completed applications should be mailed to: From INCIID the Heart, PO Box 6836, Arlington, VA 22206. You must also obtain and submit a letter from your physician. Once INCIID has received your application and notified you, it may take anywhere from 6 to 10 months to process your application.