Friday, July 31, 2015

Local Car Shows In Dallas Texas

Classic cars parked outside a restaurant.

If you live in the Dallas area and consider yourself a car enthusiast then you will be delighted to know that there are several automobile shows held locally. Whether you are a fan of classic cars from the '50s or more interested in the muscle cars of today, there is a show dedicated to your interests.

Dallas Auto Show

Located at the Dallas Convention Center, the annual Dallas Auto Show is an opportunity for car enthusiasts to see the latest designs and ideas from their favorite automobile manufacturers. The show provides both traders and the general public with access to a variety of vehicles and with the chance to meet the people behind the cars. As well as vehicle exhibits, there are also stands where consumers can buy models of their favorite cars, automobile accessories and even environmentally friendly products. The eco-friendly vendors are a new addition to the show and have been added as the Dallas Auto Show organizers look at ways they can offset their carbon footprint and help the environment. The convention runs for four days in April each year and has an average of 30 car manufacturers exhibiting.

Dallas Auto Show

2777 Stemmons Fwy

Suite 935

Dallas TX 75207

(214) 637 0531


The Motorama is a show dedicated to exhibiting the finest collection of North Texas car association vehicles. Everything from classic '50s Chevy convertibles to Ford cars from the '30s are on display here and the show is a real treat for classic car enthusiasts of all ages. Many of the vehicles are exhibited by regional auto clubs such as the Dallas Area Classic Chevys Club and all of the vehicles have been restored to their original showroom condition. The event takes place over the course of three days every February and is held at the Amon Carter Exhibit Hall in the Fort Worth area. Organized by the Texas Show Car Association the show is a must for anyone who longs for the golden era of the automobile.


Amon Carter Exhibit Hall

Will Rogers Memorial Center

Fort Worth TX 76107

(972) 226 1315

97.9 The Beat Custom Car Show

This show began six years ago and is still going strong. An annual one-day event held in August at the Dallas Convention Center, the show is part car show, part concert with a line-up of rap stars taking to the stage. In the exhibition hall there is a range of customized cars on display, featuring everything from outlandish graphics to hydraulic lifts. Corporations get in on the act with recognized logos decorating a number of the cars. In the evening the crowds flock to watch some of today's biggest rap stars perform. This is a great show for anyone interested in custom cars or who is fan of hip-hop music. Organized by the radio station, The Beat, this is a great community show that attracts thousands of people every summer.

97.9 The Beat Custom Car Show

13331 Preston Road

Dallas TX 75240

(972) 331 5400