Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Instructions For Making Hexagon Lap Weaving Looms

Weaving is one of the oldest forms of crafts known to mankind. Like pottery, weaving has been used for thousands of years to make both practical and decorative items. Different cultures produced weaving methods using various techniques, yarns and looms. Hexagonal weaving looms require a special weaving technique but create intricate designs. Cloth woven on a hexagonal loom is often used for potholders, doilies and other decorative textiles. Making your own hexagonal lap weaving loom is fairly simple.


1. Measure a 60-degree angle on the ends of each plank and mark a line along the angle. Both lines on each end of the plank should be angled toward each other so that if the lines were continued in a ray, they would intersect. Repeat on all six planks.

2. Cut along the lines with the hand saw-one side of the plank should measure 6 inches and the other side should measure approximately 4 inches-for a rhombus-shaped plank.

3. Arrange the planks in a hexagon with the smaller edges of the planks facing in. Push them close together to form a hexagon, with the cut angles flush against one another.

4. Adjust as needed so that the planks sit tightly together, then sand the planks to get rid of any rough bits or splinters.

5. Put wood glue on each side of the cut angle of the planks and reassemble the hexagon shape, gluing the planks in place. Clamp and leave to dry.

6. Nail one nail into the side of each angle joint to reinforce the strength of the loom once the glue has dried.

7. Nail five nails equidistant apart on the top face of the frame so that each plank section has five nails sticking up about 1/2 an inch-30 nails in total for the entire loom. Put the nails at about a 1-inch distance from the inside edge of the hexagon.