Thursday, July 23, 2015

Laptop Cooling Methods

Overheating is one of the main causes for computer crashes and deterioration of hardware. When a computer is on, all of the peripheral devices that draw electricity also create heat. Finding ways to limit heat buildup is important to maintain computer performance; since laptops are compact, it is wise to supplement internal fan measures with other cooling methods.

Computer Use

One of the easiest ways to limit heat buildup in your laptop and keep the processor running smoothly is to alter your computing habits. Running several programs at once is more taxing on the processor and RAM, which will cause more energy consumption and greater heat output. Limiting the number of programs you run simultaneously will help keep the laptop from overheating. Altering other settings such as reducing screen brightness and lowering the graphical quality of video games will also help keep the laptop cool. Where you decide to use your laptop also influences its heat load--avoid using it outdoors on warm days, and don't allow it to take direct sunlight. Simply moving from the upper floors of a home to the lower floors can reduce the temperature of a laptop. Avoid using battery power whenever possible, as the battery will heat up whenever power is drawn from it.


Laptops have small cases which limit the number of internal fans that can fit inside them to blow heat away from vital components. As a result, it can be helpful to use external fans to blow across the laptop to ventilate it. To maximize the effectiveness of an external fan, first find something to prop your laptop up a half an inch or so from the table or desk that you use. This will create space under the computer, allowing the heat to collect in the air. Then set up your fan so that the air blows under the computer, pushing the hot air away, and replacing it with cooler air. Even a slight breeze under an elevated laptop can make a difference. If you don't have a fan, it is still a good idea to elevate the laptop; letting it sit flush against a surface will allow it to heat up the surface, causing heat to collect.

Commercial Coolers

It is necessary to keep computers cool for good performance, and many types of commercial laptop coolers can be purchased at electronics retailers. A typical cooler will consist of a chassis that contains an area in the center into which the laptop fits. The chassis will elevate the computer, and many contain fans to create airflow and cool the underside of the computer. If you use your computer on your lap, it can be a good idea to invest in a store bought cooler, as it will create a barrier between the hot underside of the laptop and your legs. A laptop which is running hot can become very uncomfortable on the lap, and may even lead to negative health side effects such as decreased male fertility.