Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Personal Success Factors

A clearly defined target will help you channel your efforts in the right direction.

Personal success factors can vary from one person to the next, but those who are successful generally share certain attributes. If you have not yet attained success, then it may seem like those who have are simply lucky -- as if such individuals were born with those attributes. However, attaining personal success is possible if you follow certain strategies.

Define Goals Clearly

Successful people have clearly defined goals that they can see with their mind's eye, like the bull's-eye of a target. If you're struggling, then make sure you first have clearly defined goals; goals that are specific and measurable will keep you on track. People who keep changing their mind about what they want to accomplish or repeatedly abandon one project only to start from scratch on a new one usually end up frustrated. A clear goal is very specific.

Make a Plan

Make a plan as to how you'll attain your goals. Make both strategic plans and tactical plans. Strategic plans take the long view and embrace what you want to accomplish, say, in one year or five years, or longer. Tactical plans contain the nitty-gritty -- all the daily activities -- of how you'll reach those long-term goals.

Act Now

Knowing a destination and get there doesn't do you any good if you don't take action. Spending too long analyzing possibilities can hold you back. So the important thing is to choose a direction and start taking steps to make it happen -- right now.

Learn from Mistakes

Successful people may seem to breeze through life, but in most cases they have had their share of failures and disappointments. However, they possess the remarkable ability to forget their mistakes and pick themselves up and keep going. Emulate that behavior. Don't dwell on something that didn't work out well for too long. Get whatever lesson you're meant to get from a "teachable moment" and move on -- quickly.


The most important personal success factor is persistence. Those who succeed are those who decide that failure is not an option and keep trying until they do succeed.