Friday, August 14, 2015

Natural Birthing Pros & Cons

Knowing the pros and cons of natural childbirth can help you decide what kind of birth you'd like to plan for. A natural childbirth, in a medical environment, isn't often an accident, and women who are able to birth naturally have generally planned for a natural birth by learning the physiology and psychology of childbirth.

Time Frame

A natural birth takes longer. Women who strive for natural childbirth typically choose to refuse medications that speed up labor, meaning that they labor longer.


While the pain of natural childbirth has a purpose, and has been reported to be intoxicating, it is often considered a drawback.

More Alert Babies

A prolonged labor with medication involved can result in a baby that's less responsive and alert. A natural birth doesn't involve medications, so there's no chance that the baby would be exposed.


Natural birth is exhausting. Spending sometimes up to 36 hours contracting rarely used muscles and then a few more hours pushing a child into the world has been compared to running a marathon.


People's birth experiences are all individual and your friends and family may have birth-horror-stories that they offer up, tempting you to decide on a medical or natural birth, using their story as evidence. Do your own research and make your own decisions.


Women who have experienced a natural birth report it to be empowering. Persevering through a difficult task can make women feel strong and powerful.