Thursday, February 26, 2015

What Are The Different Types Of Advertising

What Are the Different Types of Advertising?

Getting the word out to prospective customers about a new product, event or service is essential if your business is going to be successful. There are several types of advertising to accommodate this objective as well as fit your company's budget.

Word of Mouth

When customers are happy with something, they'll tell their friends, family and neighbors. Word of mouth PR is the cheapest form of advertising, but relies on the assumption that the person doing the talking is trustworthy.


Newspaper advertising takes the form of classified service ads, display ads, inserts (usually flyers), press releases and advertorials, which are feature stories/business profiles done as a courtesy (but not an endorsement) for the paper's advertisers.

Magazine Ads

Magazine ads are much more expensive and glamorous than newspaper slots, especially if the ad appears on the inside of the front and back covers. The more prestigious the magazine, the more likely the ads are designed by PR firms.

Public Service Announcements

PSAs (also referred to as "talking heads") are simplistic radio and TV spots of 15, 30 and 60 seconds that promote nonprofit organizations. There is no charge for the air time.


Commercials are 30 to 60 seconds in length, are formatted as problem/solution scenarios and are both expensive to produce and to air--depending on the time slot in which they run (for example, the Super Bowl).


Websites, blogs, podcasts, banners, pop-ups, email and chat rooms are all cyber platforms that allow promotional content to be available 24/7.

Direct Mail

Sales letters, postcards, brochures and press kits are hard copy marketing tools that--in addition to their reproduction costs--require postage and the purchase of mailing lists.