Friday, September 19, 2014

What Are The Benefits Of Lasik Eye Surgery

What Are the Benefits of Lasik Eye Surgery?

LASIK eye surgery can permanently alter a person's vision to near perfect so that he will not have to wear glasses or contact lenses anymore. LASIK surgery changes the shape of the cornea through the use of lasers.

Wont't Need Corrective Lenses

The biggest benefit and the main reason people have LASIK eye surgery, is they will not need to wear corrective lenses anymore.

Immediate Results

LASIK eye surgery offers immediate results. After surgery, most people will have improved vision and may not need their glasses as early as the next day.

Improve Self-Esteem

Not needing glasses is an important benefit that will improve self-esteem and confidence for some people who do not like the way they look in eyeglasses.

More Career Opportunities

After the surgery, many more careers and job opportunities are opened up to you. Law-enforcement jobs and pilots need near perfect vision without corrective eyewear. After the surgery, these jobs may become available to you.

Airline Travel Easier

You may travel without worrying about bringing contact lens solutions. This is especially beneficial if you use airlines in which you are not allowed to bring liquids on the flight.

More Benefits

You will be able to see immediately when you wake up in the morning without putting on your glasses.

You will have greater personal safety due to improved eyesight.

Sport participation may be enhanced.