Periodontal surgery is a costly procedure that is a result of having periodontal disease. Preventing periodontal disease is important in avoiding poor oral hygiene, and many complications in the future.
The Facts
Periodontal disease is a disease that affects the supportive tissue of the mouth. According to the American Dental Association there are two main stages of periodontal disease. These stages include gingivitis, the less severe stage, and periodontitis.
Although there are numerous signs and symptoms associated with periodontal disease it is possible to not realize you have the disease. According to the following are symptoms of periodontal disease: gums that tend to bleed easily; gums that are enlarged, tender, and red in color; the pulling away of gums from teeth; constant bad breath or bad taste in the mouth; loose permanent teeth; a change in bite; or a change in the fitting of partial dentures.
Types of Surgery
There are three main ways to treat periodontal disease, according to These include tissue regeneration, which grafts bone for bone regrowth; pocket elimination surgery, which reduces the gap between the teeth and gums; and laser therapy, which is used to reduce pocket size.
Cost estimates the cost of a periodontal surgery per quadrant as being anywhere from $1,500 to $2,200, on average. This number however, does not take all of the factors into account. notes that cost can change depending on the specific case, the dental professional performing the surgery, number of extractions, whether bone grafts are needed, how much material is used and the replacement of lost teeth. estimates the cost of gum disease treatment from $500 to $10,000. also lists technology used, location of dentist, insurance policies and treatment required as other factors that influence the cost of surgery.
Prevention of periodontal disease is directly correlated to one's lifestyle. The ADA lists numerous risk factors that should be avoided to prevent the development of periodontal disease. These risk factors include the smoking or chewing of tobacco, certain types of medications, faulty filling, pregnancy and the use of oral contraceptives. Other risks include diabetes, ill-fitting bridges and teeth that are not straight. The easiest way to prevent periodontal disease is to practice good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly. It is also important to visit a dental professional on a regular basis, and maintain a healthy diet.