Thursday, November 27, 2014

One Month Diet Plan

Successfully losing weight on a 1-month diet is completely doable, as long as you are realistic about your goals and willing to do the work. In the United States, approximately $50 billion a year is spent on weight-loss products and services, but the most effective and inexpensive method of calorie restriction and exercise is not frequently attempted. Three simple practices can put you on your way to healthier weight in 30 days.

Mental State

No physical change is possible in a month without the proper mental attitude to support it. Positive thinking and having a can-do attitude help motivate you to stay on track and engage in healthy behaviors; such as eating right and exercising. Get support from friends, family or fitness group, find a role model, and engage in positive self-talk in order to maintain the right attitude. In a study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, the best predictor of successful weight loss is a positive mind-set.


Restricting calories is essential for losing a significant amount of weight in a 1-month period. Stick to a diet of at least 1200 calories a day or you will lose muscle. Divide your predetermined caloric intake into three meals and three snacks. To figure out how many calories you should be eating for weight loss, visit the website,


Up your activity level if you want to lose that desired amount of weight. Small changes make a huge difference in the long run. For example, an article in Reader's Digest recommends standing up or pacing when using the phone. This can help you burn 50 calories or more. For more helpful tips, visit