Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Liver Health Diet

There is a whole range of foods that are known to keep the liver healthy and help it in detoxify the body. A liver-healthy diet will also make you feel more energized, remove bad breath, promote healthy skin and improve reaction toward allergies.


For a healthy liver that efficiently detoxifies your body, make sure to include plenty of cruciferous vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower. These veggies are rich in glucosinolates that are known to aid the liver's production of certain enzymes crucial for its detoxifying agenda. These vegetables help purify the liver with constituents that balance the effects of harmful toxins like aflatoxin from peanuts and nitrosamines from cigarette smoke. Including beetroots in any meal plan is beneficial for the liver as it contains a tonic that helps purify blood and can effectively absorb heavy metals. Artichokes are proactive in increasing production of bile. Bile is of critical importance to the body as it helps eliminate toxic substances and unwanted organisms. The production rate of bile is known to double in half an hour of consuming artichoke. Bitter salad greens with lots of leaves such as endives and chicory are known to promote bile flow inside the liver. Also, doctors recommend garlic and onions in cooking to promote robust liver function. These contain the organic compound allicin, which aids the liver. Garlic also helps the liver remove some food additives, mercury and extra estrogen from the body.


Studies have found that prunes, blueberries, raisins, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, oranges, plums, grapefruit, apples, cantaloupes and pears contain huge levels of antioxidants. These guard the liver from elevated quantities of free radicals that are created during the detoxification process. For example, the pectin component in apples attach to the body's heavy metal compounds and aid in excreting them. This results in lowering the liver's work load and heightening its detoxifying capabilities. Drinking fresh lemon juice in warm water before breakfast also promotes a clean liver. It also encourages bile production needed to cleanse your stomach and bowels.

General Measures

Have lots of salads and stir fried and steamed foods. Do not take antibiotics or anti-acidic drugs too often. Stay away from alcohol, caffeine and tobacco smoke. Avoid foods with chemical additives, processed foods and over-the-counter medicines of any kind. Try to relax and cut down on stress that has become such an integral part of modern living. Exercise regularly and sleep well.