Monday, June 15, 2015

Xbox 360 Rock Band Troubleshooting

Rock Band Instruments

Rock Band was released during the holiday season of 2007 by Harmonix Music Systems and MTV Games. It is distributed by Electronic Arts. The full band simulation game combines drums, guitar, bass and vocals into a video game. It offers online multiplayer competition and co-op play. It was inspired by Harmonix's popular Guitar Hero series.


The guitar may have issues with the buttons, strum bar, the hub or the console. Make sure the USB is plugged completely in the hub and try to play the guitar. If that does not work, try the other hubs.

Some of the earlier Rock Band guitars have had problems with the strum bar. If the problem persists, contact Rock Band's Support site for a replacement guitar.

Guitars have many components that are sensitive to movement. Handle the guitar with care. If notes are lagging, calibrate the game or make sure the TV is in game mode or a similar mode. Also, bypass the external audio system or turn off Dolby 5.1 in the game options. It is normal for the effects switch to only be heard in solo and groove sections. If your whammy bar is not springy, an elastic band can be used to adjust the tension.


Drum pads on Rock Band need to be handled with care. Too much force over time can cause tears or breaks. Electronic components are inside the drum pads--therefore any damage to the outside of the pads can damage the sensors and other components. The drum pads are made to register light taps in the middle of the pad more so than hard hits. The kick pedal takes a lighter force as well. If the drums are lagging, make sure the hits are light, firm and centered in the middle of the pad. Hard hits can effect how the sensor registers the tap. If that doesn't work, calibrate the game and turn off Dolby 5.1 in game options.

To keep the kit from sliding on the floor, put a mouse pad under the leg. Drum pads can be kept from being worn down by covering them with old mousepads.


The microphone will not be recognized unless the standard controller is plugged into the hub. With online game play, the singing lags behind intentionally and the other players cannot hear you unless you hold down the chat button.

Overheating can be an issue with the game console and Rock Band. Check your console for overheating often and stop playing if the console feels too warm.