Monday, May 11, 2015

What Is The Fast Way To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

Normal systolic blood pressure rates range between 110 and 140 mm Hg. Normal diastolic rates range between 60 and 90 mm Hg. Any reading above these rates can be considered high blood pressure. If you are at risk or have a family history of high blood pressure, it is best to routinely monitor your blood pressure. If your rate exceeds the normal rates, see your physician as soon as possible and find ways to begin to reduce your blood pressure level.


If you are overweight, lose weight according to the standards for your age group and height. Ask your physician for a physical exam to determine what your appropriate weight should be. Carrying excess weight can raise your blood pressure and cause it to exceed the normal limits. Join a local gym to motivate you to get in shape. Exercising will not only help you become healthier, it will also help you feel better about yourself as you see your figure improve.


Eat right and drink plenty of water. Many foods, especially those high in saturated fat, can contribute to high blood pressure. Avoid fried and junk foods like potato chips. Foods that contain a lot of oil can increase your blood pressure. It is best to stick to healthy snacks, such as carrots and eat plenty of fruits. Drinking at least eight glasses per day can help to balance your blood pressure and keep it at its normal limits.


Relax and stay clear of stressful environments. Stress can be one of the top causes of high blood pressure. If you are in a stressful atmosphere, such as work or home, find the best method of relaxation that you can. Invest in going to the spa to get a massage. Massages have been known to reduce stress tremendously. Take a vacation if you can, or find a place of solitude and enjoy some peace and quiet.