Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Upper Lip Hair Removal Tips

Don't let facial hair spoil an otherwise beautiful face.

All women have hair on their upper lips, but if the hair is dark, coarse, or abundant, many choose removal. There are a number of different hair removal techniques, depending on the results you seek and how much money you want to spend. Most hair removal methods can cause temporary reddening of the skin and irritation, so you'll probably want to avoid removing hair just before you have to leave the house. You can minimize irritation and maximize your results by following these tips. Does this Spark an idea?


Depilatories are chemical products designed to dissolve hair. If you want to remove upper lip hair with a depilatory, purchase a product especially for the face; products designed for body hair may be too harsh. Always do a patch test to make sure you are not allergic or sensitive to the product before using, even if you have used the product before. When applying, take special care not to get the depilatory on your lips or in your nose. Do not leave the product on longer than recommended. Follow all package instructions carefully, particularly with regard to preparing the skin, length and frequency of application, and removal of the product. Never use a depilatory near the eyes or on the eyebrows.


Waxing removes hair at the root. There are a variety of different types of waxing products available, including warm wax, cold wax, prewaxed strips, and sugaring formulas you can purchase or prepare at home. Waxing can be very uncomfortable, but it does usually last longer than using a depilatory. Wax should be applied in the direction of hair growth. Apply only as much wax as recommended: this is definitely a case where more isn't better. When removing the strip to which the wax is adhered, remove it in one firm pull while holding the skin taut with the other hand. Immediately after removal, press the affected area firmly; this will help minimize stinging. Never allow the wax to harden for longer than the product directions recommend. Remove any stray hairs with tweezers; do not reapply wax more frequently than recommended.


If you have a lot of hair to remove, tweezing isn't practical because it is too time-consuming. Tweezing is best for removing stray hairs that remain after use of a depilatory or wax, or if you have only a few problematic hairs to remove. If you are going to tweeze you'll need good lighting: natural sunlight works well. Use a mirror with magnification, and use tweezers with tips that meet securely to firmly grasp the hair you want to remove. Pulling the hair in the direction of growth will help it come out more easily. Before tweezing, apply a warm compress to the lip; this helps soften the hairs and opens the pores, making the hair easier to remove. Applying a cold compress to the lip before tweezing will minimize discomfort although it may make the hair slightly more difficult to remove. You can apply a cold compress after tweezing as well.